Girl Scout Troop 62024 took on a project for their Silver Award that would help many people and change lives through the MORE Foundation Group. This project also allowed us to earn our Breathe Cadette Journey Award patches. The goal was for each Girl Scout to fill up a sneaker box with fifty or more pairs of gently used athletic shoes. One pair of shoes can offset 1 ton of CO². The MORE Foundation’s goal is to translate each pair of shoes into basic supplies, tools, seeds, and agroforestry training to poor farming families and rural villages in Africa and Central America. One Million tree seeds each year for decades; to reseed the earth in countries that have deforestation and leave a green footprint. Troop 62024 became aware of the issue and wanted to give back to those less fortunate.
We alerted those in our community by handing out flyers to explain what one pair of shoes would be doing for some and set up dates for collection. We also asked local business owners if we could put a box at their business. Once the shoes were collected, we counted and separated the shoes into boxes. The shoes collected by the Girl Scouts will have a far-reaching impact not just in the communities where the shoes are distributed, but for those that participated and saw how one small act can have such a long-lasting effect for global change.
– Charlotte, Girl Scout Troop 62024

In the picture left to right: Kayla, Grace, Charlotte, Madalena, Allie, Amanda, Lauren, Elena, Emily, Brooke with 7 boxes
(missing from picture: 2 boxes and members: Jenna, Ellie)
Here are the names of the participants
Leader: Paula Pietruszka
Girl Scouts:
- Charlotte
- Emily
- Madalena
- Kayla
- Jenna
- Brooke
- Lauren
- Allie
- Ellie
- Amanda
- Elena
- Grace